Monday, September 22, 2014



  1. What is Shutter Speed?
Seed of the shutter inside the camera closing in different times 
  1. How is shutter speed measured?
    1. Fractions of seconds
  2. What is the shutter speed for handheld photography.  At which point should you use a tripod?
    1.  1/60,1/30 is when you need to use a tripod 
  3. Define Bulb.
    1. When the shutter keeps open as long as you hold it down
  4. Write out the various shutter speeds so you are familiar.  We will define these as a class.
    1. 1/1000 to 1/2
  5. Give an example of a fast shutter speed which will FREEZE movement?
    1. Fast would be 1/1000
  6. Give an example of a slower shutter speed for PANNING
    1. 1/30
  7. What is the difference in light between a shutter speed of 1/60 and 1/30?
    1. 1/60 is a normal photo while the 1/30 is when you need a tripod, it is doubling the amount of light  
  8. What is continuous shooting?
    1. Continuos shooting would be taking a lot of shots in a few seconds 
  9. Define Light Meter (google the definition)
    1.  measures light. and tell you the setting you should have on your camera  
  10. Define Bracketing (google the definition)

  11. Hot Shoe (google)
    1. The flash on the camera