Monday, May 25, 2015

Self Portrait Plan

Self Portrait Plan

I would have two pictures of me, one of me talking to chang woo and the other is a reflection of me, the first picture I would look happy and in the reflection I would be really sad.

I would merge the photo and add the reflection of the sad photo and put it into the happy one, this photo shows how people can act differently in front of people.

Final Result

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I didn't watch the movies so I don't think this photo is part of it but, this photo really got to me.  The photo portrays the oil as if it was water. It shows how we are destroying the world with such a destructive force. We are draining the earth of its life, its power and all for our own benefits. This is what I believe that photo above really shows to the viewers 

Monday, May 4, 2015


Photo essay:

During my time in Egypt I have found out that people are throwing a lot of trash everywhere, the item I saw the most in the streets,school,and even farms were plastic bottles. It was absurd how much plastic water bottles you would see on the ground. I was very interested about this and wanted to show the people that we must stop this. I want to make the people aware of the problem that we have. I want the people to know what is happening with the water bottles they throw. I want them to regret using them in the first place, or regret throwing them on the ground. I saw something that I disliked and I knew I had to be the change if I wanted anything to happen, but I can’t do this alone. I need the help of the school, I need your help if this project of mine will ever work. I need the people to get on board to see this serious problem.      

The challenge I put for myself for this project was getting more people aware of this horrible situation, I want at least the whole class to be aware and I can't put thats all I could do the rest is up to the people reading this. I believe that my project went beyond the criteria, I think I did a really good job in showing how bad the situation is, also I show how it effects us. I made it fun to see and if it is fun more people will want to join in helping the earth with this type of pollution  I think I did  really well with communicating my project to the world, once I post this project I think this will be a great success. I believe you can see all my idea in my photos.  The planning was the most important step in the project, thats where I found all the facts for my project and it was also when I generated some ideas for the project. So it was the most important stage of the project.
In photoshop I used a lot of tools, I also learned some tools to work on this project. I used some of the simple tool such at the change of brightness and sharping, also I used the copy tool. That was one of the newest tool that I have used. I used the text box which was one of the most important tools in the list. The best tool I learned from this project was the tool you showed me last class, I don't know the name but it made the bottles look like they were go around the world, it twist the bottles together.I found a lot of using the new tools but I came to for help with some of my questions, I also searched some things up to find out how to over come the challenge. Yes, first I thought of doing plastic pollution, a general work about it. As I was going through I found it to hard to work with all plastic waster because there was to many. So I picked a type of plastic waster that you can see in any country in the world the most common type. Thats why all my work above is about plastic bottle waster. Well if I had a little more photoshop skill then I could of made it a lot better, that really all I could think of. Maybe if I did it on a major scale which would of been a lot harder and almost impossible with the limited resources provide on this work.
It show the feeling I have towards the serious matter, I show this from my reflection and also by my photos. I have taken A lot of time to take these photos.No it does not really have a mood to my project its just a normal project.
There is a major theme to the project,  it is that we have to start with recycling our plastic bottles. 
This can really link with all the options you have given me above, its give you an idea about my morals. How I feel about the world, also the plastic waste surrounding the world can be a political issue. This project is not cultural in any way. Well my work is no very unusual, I am talking about a problem that has faced the plant earth, many people have tried to do the same but have never succeeded 
No, this is the first time I really look into plastic waste. It was very interesting and well keep researching beyond the project. Well there are a lot of artists that do the same kind of work. That take about pollution and plastic pollution, the major differences I see between my work and theres is the scale they do it. They as artist have more influential power so they change the world in a larger scale. I think mine would hit a smaller scale.I learned that photoshop can make my photo look really good. That not everything is about the photo, you can change it a lot in photoshop. Also I learned about new ways in taking photos which was very fun experience. It was a great project, learned a lot about the world and about photo skills. 

5 facts:
  • 50 percent of the plastic we use, we use just once and throw away.
  • Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times.
  • We currently recover only five percent of the plastics we produce.
  • The average American throws away approximately 185 pounds of plastic per year.
  • Plastic accounts for around 10 percent of the total waste we generate.
  • The production of plastic uses around eight percent of the world’s oil production.
All from:
Contact Sheet:

Sunday, March 29, 2015


The picture I am going to talk about had a theme of women rights. This picture was taken by a girl called Logan Tappe. The picture shows how girls are meant to grow up. It shows an innocence girl and inside this girls head was and idea of how this girls would end up. It showed credit cards and cigarettes and just how messed up.   

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


 Place 1
 Place 2

I didn't come to the last class so it took me awhile to get use to the editing part of it but, after I got a hang of it, it was pretty easy. In my personal opinion the last picture that I did was the best one and the Place 1 is the worst. The condition today was not good, there was no sun so all the colors didn't show as well as they should of. It was a fun experience, a good tool to have in my back pocket. It was good.  

Monday, March 2, 2015

Contact Sheet WWW


We went to one of the largest concentration camps in the world, I felt the pain that the people felt during world war 2. It was scary and horrifying place to be in. It really hit me hard with emotions, I think this is a type of leading lines, this lines would lead to the door of the camp, the exit.

This is a photo showing the beauty of krakow, it was an unbelievable sight. The place was very beautiful and I really liked it. This just show how cool this place was, I would consider this as a kinda of landscaping photo

This is also inside one of the concentration camp, I liked this picture shows how bad the condition in the camps were and how much destruction the Germany army caused. This would be a type of leading lines photo, it was really sad to walk in the place of the jewish people

Contact Sheet

Monday, February 9, 2015

Jr and Paul Nicklen

Jr heard about the conflicts that was happening between Israel and Palestine, he choose to go to palestine and check the conflict out himself. The photo above is a picture of a Palestinian and an Israeli that are the same, making a unique face, he posted this photos all around Israel and Palestine.   

Paul Nicklen:
The leopard seal was known as a very viscous animal and Paul Nicklen wanted to test it out. He went to Arctic and swam with the leopard seal and the leopard seal instead of attacking it went and protected and it tried to fed it. The photo above was the leopard seal trying to fed Paul Nicklen.    

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My photographer

  1. Takes a photo representing a story.
  2. Born: September 29, 1946 in Vancouver, Canada
  3.  best known for his large-scale back-lit cibachrome photographs
  4. Won the Hasselblad Award 
  5. Published two photography books

  • White Balance Mix Light






    Contact Sheet White Balance

    Monday, February 2, 2015

    Question on white balance

    1. Google "photography white balance" and save a white balance chart to your own blog that shows the difference in color temperature. (Hint: it should have KELVIN values)
    1. Define White Balance 
      1. the color balance on a digital camera.
    2. List the WB settings on your camera and define them.  For example in the AWB setting, your camera assesses the scene and chooses an appropriate WB setting somewhere between 2000-10000 K.  You should have several other WB settings.
    3. JPEG vs RAW - what does the author say about shooting in JPEG vs RAW?
      1. Raw is when you do not change the white balance setting, uncompressed file so many more options you are editing
      2. JPEG this is where you are able to change the white balance setting, compressed file and you cant really edit 
    4. What is magic hour in photography?
      1. Is a period shortly after sunrise or before sunset during which daylight is redder and softer compared to when the Sun is higher in the sky.
    5. Which white balance setting cools your scene (makes it more blue?)
      1. Day light cloudy option. Usually with a high K value 
    6. Which white balance setting warms your scene (makes it more orange?)
      1. Candle flame or domestic light, most likely has a low K value 
    7. What is tungston light?
      1. adds blueish tinge to the photo, it enhances the light.

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015




    • Describe how you made this artwork. (What steps did you take to create it?)
      • To make this photo I looked for things that can connect together and create something better than it was. I wanted to make the place I was taking a of photo look better, I had to look for an area which had a lot of elements in it. In the picture we have people and nature combined together. 
    • What was easiest/hardest?
      • The hardest was fitting every picture together, it was like pieces in a puzzle. Sp putting the pics together was the hardest.   
    • How is color, line, shape, texture, space used in your artwork?
      • Line connects everything to together, I used a lot of space in photo which I believe makes it look better. I didn't use a lot of shape and texture.
    • What were you unsure about?  What was frustrating?
      • I was very scared of how this would really turn out. I was unsure about how smooth it was going to be and it went better than expected. 
    • What would you add?
      • I would put more of a field in the pitch, the photo goes from the field to the sun really quickly and if I did it would look better.
    • What have you learned from creating the art piece?
      • That you could make a place better if you take it apart and put it back together. 
    • Are you happy with the final result?  Why or why not?
      • Yeah I was better happy with my final work, I am proud of the work I made. If it was smoother then I would be a little bit happier. 

    Contact Sheet

    Rawie Collage


    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Three photographers Facts


  • David Hockney was born on 9th July 1937 in Bradford, England.
  • David Hockney was friends with fellow artist, Andy Warhol.
  • He is a massive admirer of Pablo Picasso.
  • He is openly Gay. 
  • He designed sets and costumes for ballets and opera. 

    • Alex Prager is an American art photographer and filmmaker
    • Born: 1979, Los Angeles, California, United States
    •  lives and works in Los Angeles and New York City
    • She is still alive
    • She is35 years old

    annie leibovitz
    • American portrait photographer.
    • Education: San Francisco Art Institute
    • Anna-Lou Leibovitz was born in Westbury, Connecticut. 
    • Born: October 2, 1949 (age 65)
    • Her father, Sam Leibovitz, was an Air Force lieutenant colonel

    Saturday, January 17, 2015

    Stories of 2014

    This is an image of the world cup finals, the man above just scored in the last minute to win the world cup for his national team. I picked this picture because I love football and also I love the emotions in this photo. its just great. 

    This is an image of a car bomb in Lebanon. I picked it because it is a sad story really, it looks like hell hole in this area with the fire bursting upon the man. Also you can see a clear sky behind his head so it was never like this. Its just a great photo.